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Infinuvo Hovo® 620

Hovo 620 is your personal and smart cleaning assistant. It will vacuum and mop the rooms of your home autonomously so you can spend your time doing more enjoyable activities. It helps pet owners and people with allergy or back pain to keep their house clean. Hovo 620 with HEPA filter is a multi-function robotic vacuum cleaner with strong suction power. Two side brushes to increase cleaning effectiveness. There is no roller brush to tangle pet hairs. Hovo 620 has two extra features, UV light to kill germs and versatile both dry and wet mopping hard surface floor.  You can use Kirkland Scotch Brite or Swiffer Sweeper pads to perform your mopping or sweep floor cleaning. Two washable microfiber mopping pads are included inside package. Two washable microfiber mopping pads are included inside package.

Hov 620 comes with a user friendly touch LED panel to easily perform the following functions:

1. Just push one button to do AUTO cleaning, SPOT cleaning and Auto charge battery

2. Handy remote control unit to control cleaner operations, movements plus cleaning and schedule time setting

3. Voice and chime to guide you through unit operations

4. Dirt detection to clean dirty area thoroughly

5. Large capacity dust bin with dust bin full alarm message

6. Easy to set up pre-programmed schedule with remote control to do cleaning any time you want

7. When battery power is low, it will return to charging station and re-charge its battery automatically

8. Display error codes to indicate abnormal conditions

9. Soft-touched and non-collision obstacle detection to protect furniture in your home